Lake Washington Hotel & SpaModern Amenities Sure to Charm

Pamper yourself with our spa resort amenities

With services like dry-cleaning and high-speed Wi-Fi, Woodmark Hotel & Spa has modern amenities galore for your convenience. You can work up a sweat in our fitness center and then enjoy some relaxation in the spa. We also provide paid parking to keep your vehicles safe while you enjoy Lake Washington before exploring Kirkland or nearby Seattle.

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Pet-Friendly Accommodations

With welcome treats, in-room water and food bowls, and doggy beds, your four-legged friends receive the same care you do. And don’t forget—we’re only a few miles from Marymoor Park, so your dog can run off all that extra energy after a little pampering.

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Time to Raid the Pantry

Do you want a snack or a quick drink after hours? Visit our snack room from 10 p.m. to midnight for a little pick-me-up. You can also start your day off with a cup (or two) of our complimentary coffee in our café.

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The Great Outdoors

Enjoy the stunning views of Lake Washington while soaking in the sunshine on our outdoor oasis. And when the sun sets, keep warm with our fire pits! We also offer summer kayaks and bicycles for some fun on the land or the water.

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Amenities Include

  • Daily Housekeeping Service is Available
  • Spa Services
  • Complimentary Locally Roasted Fonte Coffee and Barnes & Watson Tea
  • **Same Day Laundry Services Available
  • Raid the Pantry (Open Nightly 10:00pm-Midnight)
  • Umbrellas
  • *Beach Cruiser Bicycles 
  • Self-Parking Available
  • Filtered Water Machines & Ice - Floors 3 & 4
  • Fitness Center 
  • Complimentary EV Vehicle Charging Stations
  • *Standup Paddle Boards (Seasonal) 


*Advance notice and reservations requested. Based on availability.
**Same day laundry service is only available Monday – Friday. Laundry must be dropped off at the front desk before 9:00 am in order to receive it back on the same day. 

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